Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Open Vision

This latest excerpt from my upcoming book, "Acts of an Awesome God" resumes where I left off on last week's post. Enjoy -

                                           Damascus  Road  Experience

  I had been sitting on my jail bunk, doing my daily scripture reading. I gently slid the Bible aside and stood up. I turned toward the cement wall and peered out through the gray, steel bars of my cell window.
   The jail was located on the top floor of an old four-story courthouse so I was provided with a relatively unobstructed view of the city below. It was just past noon and, though it was a cold winter's day, the sky was clear except for two small white clouds that floated lazily along in the bright blue sky. As I stood there looking at those small clouds, I spoke from my heart these simple, yet sincere words:
 “Now God, I believe you’re real. I don’t have any problem with that. But what I want to know is if you’re still in awesome, supernatural power like you was in the days of the apostles. Now if I’m being like the heathen who seek after a sign (Matt. 12:38-39) then I ask you to forgive me because I’m ignorant and don’t know any better. Thank you God. Amen.”
   After I prayed, I just stood there watching those two tiny clouds slowly drifting along. It couldn't have been more than 30 seconds since I finished that brief prayer when a very large, bright light suddenly appeared to the lower right side of my peripheral vision.
   It lasted only a moment and it was gone. I glanced down in the direction from where I thought the light had shone. It seemed to have come from directly in front of a tall stained glass cross which was slightly recessed in a wall of a large Methodist Church located one block to the north of the court house.                                                                                                              
                                       (To be continued next Wednesday)

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