Wednesday, February 1, 2017


                 And The Sick Shall Recover  (Part 2)

   Ethel looked over at Marty's mom and said, "Shirley, why don't you let Jimmie pray for your legs." Now, Shirley was currently holding down a job as a waitress at a local truck stop but her legs had begun to swell due to standing on her feet on a hard surface for long periods of time.
   I knew I was on the spot, but I also knew I had to make my promise good, so I reluctantly got up from my chair and slowly walked over to where Shirley was sitting. By the time I reached Shirley, She also informed me she had high blood pressure and would like for me to prayer for that, too.
   I have to admit I was a little nervous but I was determined to face this situation and trust in God to show up and do what only He could do. I placed my hand on Shirley's shoulder and began to pray.
   I suddenly began to feel a tingling settle on my shoulders and travel down my arms, much like mild waves of electricity. It was the same feeling I felt at Brother Glen's the night I met the evangelists, right after I got saved.
   Since then, I have come to understand this sensation to be the presence of God's Spirit. (Days later Shirley would inform me that all the swelling had gone down in her legs and her blood pressure was now normal).
   When I finished my prayer, I was relieved to have made it through this minor test of my faith and was preparing to take my seat and settle back into a casual conversation with everybody. But the evening was still young and God had yet more spiritual lessons in store for this young convert.
   Shirley suddenly spoke up and said, "Jimmie, would you pray for this lump on my neck, too?" Now, some problems, like high blood pressure, can be a little easier to pray for because you can't become intimidated by what you don't see.
   But when Shirley reached behind her head and pulled her hair to one side, I could clearly see a lump on her neck about the size of a walnut just beneath the skin. This time my faith was being stretched and I confess I was somewhat worried. Would she get the results she was hoping for or had I gotten in over my head this time?
   Once again I was on the spot and I had no choice but to step out in faith, hoping for a miracle. I gently placed my hand on the lump and began to pray. As I stood there I suddenly felt her neck grow warm under my palm and much to my astonishment, and great relief I might add, the lump began to shrink.
   By the time I lifted my hand off her neck the lump was gone and I tried my best not to look surprised, though I might have been the most surprised person in the room. The Bible speaks of a mustard seed of faith and I think that was about the size of my faith before I prayed.  
   Once again I felt I had dodged the bullet and surely I could now sit down and relax, but not so fast. God had one more person in the room He wanted to touch before the night was over.

            (Join me next week for the remarkable Conclusion of this true story)

                   More Acts of an Awesome God can be found on:   
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