Friday, April 14, 2017


     I attended church one Sunday evening with a couple of friends. After the service, we decided to go to a local fast food dairy store and have some ice cream.
     I was sitting in the back seat and, as we traveled along, I leaned forward and began to share with my friends some of the wonderful supernatural ways in which God had been using me lately.
     Phil was driving and Fay was sitting on the passenger's side. I could see Fay plainly and no sooner had I finished speaking than I clearly heard her say,
     "I wish God would use me that way."
     Though I never saw her lips move, I distinctly heard those words, as if she had spoken them out loud.
     I was so convinced of what I just heard that I turned to her and said,
     "God will use you. All you have to do is believe."
     She turned her head toward me and, with an astonished look on her face, asked,  "Why did you say that!"
     I said, "Isn't that what you was thinking?"
     "Yes," she replied. "But I  never actually said anything. How did you know that's what I was thinking?"
     "Because I heard your thoughts," I replied.

     We have this example in the New Testament where Jesus new men's thoughts:

             "And at once some of the Pharisees said within themselves,
             'This Man blasphemes!' But Jesus, knowing their thoughts,
              said, 'Why do you think evil in your hearts?' " - Matthew 9:3-4

     The words used here, "said within themselves", means the Pharisees were thinking this, but  didn't say it out loud.
     Another case of the Lord knowing man's thoughts is recorded in Luke 

             "Others testing Him, sought from Him a sign from Heaven.
               But He,  knowing  their  thoughts, said to them:"

     The word "testing" in this verse means the people were trying to manipulate Jesus into doing something. They were using deception to trick Him but Jesus knew their real intent because He could read their thoughts.

     Jesus said in I John 14:12 -

             "Truly. truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works 
             that I do, he will do also;"

     Christ was able to know men's thoughts through the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling him and, according to this scripture, Christians are capable of  experiencing some of the same supernatural manifestations of God that Jesus did.
     One of the nine spiritual gifts mentioned in 1st Corinthians the 12th Chapter, which is available to all believers as The Holy Spirit wills, is the word of knowledge. This is the ability to supernaturally know facts about people, places and things, just as Jesus did .
     In my particular case, the Lord was temporarily granting me the ability through the word of knowledge to hear the longing of this woman's heart. 
     Now, I have found that God always has practical reasons for the things He does and it appears He had a two-fold purpose in this particular supernatural manifestation of His Great Spirit:
   1.  It was meant to build up my own level of faith and understanding in the  
        Gifts of The Spirit.
   2. More importantly, it occurred to give Fay assurance that God knows  her    
       personally and loves her enough to take the time to respond concerning
       the cry of her heart.

               What an Awesome and Loving God we serve!


     See more testimonies about our supernatural God at:  

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