Tuesday, September 12, 2017


   I had some money I wanted to give as an offering unto the Lord but just couldn't decide on where it should go. Then one day I was in my local Wal-Mart when I noticed Steve standing in line at one of the check-out stands.
   I hadn't seen him in a  long time but that wasn't unusual since Steve was in full-time ministry and was on the road much of the year. As I stood there watching him, I suddenly felt the urge to give the offering money I had been holding onto over to him.

   I took the money out of my pocket and placed it into one of my hands. I walked up to him and said, "Steve, the Lord put it on my heart to give this to you." Then I reached out my hand and placed the money in his hand.
   He looked at it and thanked me and I went on my way. Months later I ran into Steve again and what he told me both touched my heart and made me thankful I obeyed the leading of God.

   "Do you remember that day you came up to me in Wal-Mart and put that money in my hand?" he asked.
   "Yes, I do," I replied.
   "Well, what you didn't know that day was that I had been having a real tough time financially. I had been struggling so much that I was at the point of giving up on the ministry. I had prayed and asked God to show me that day that everything would be alright,"                                                     
   "I was buying a few things we needed that day with some of the last money I had when you walked up and handed me those bills. That encouraged me to go on because I knew then that God would meet our needs if we stayed in the ministry."

   The Bible says in Romans 8:14, "Those who are led by the Spirit of God, these are the children of God." It is absolutely essential to follow the leading of God at all times because a decision we make can not only have an effect on our own life, it could make a major impact in the life of someone else.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


                             "For the love of God constrains us,"

   I could give one example after another of how God has helped me deal with problem people in my life, but one in particular stands out.

   I had just started my new job and naturally I wanted to do my best to get along with everybody there. Nothing is worse at work than a tense atmosphere and I set out to be as friendly and considerate as possible to all my co-workers.
  But there always seems to be at least one trouble maker at a work site and it wasn't long before I discovered who that person was at my new job.

   Sharon (not her real name) was argumentative and a known instigator and made no secret of her intentions to cause problems for anyone who crossed her.
   Despite my best efforts to get along with her, Sharon soon had her sights set on making my life miserable and over the next several days took every opportunity to ruffle my feathers and make me look bad to the other employees.

   One day I had enough and was just about to tell her a thing or two when the oddest thing happened. I had walked up to Sharon, ready to unload a few choice remarks, when suddenly I felt the warm love of God well up in my chest.
   At that moment all the frustration and anger I had been feeling just drifted away and in its place I felt such peace and kindness towards Sharon.

   I realized this was a divine moment when I was filled with the kind of love God shows toward even the worst of people. It is often referred to as the Agape (or unconditional love) that holds God back from giving people what they would normally "deserve."

    In the fifth chapter of Second Corinthians, The Bible explains what I experienced,

          "For the love of God constrains us, because we have  
            concluded this; that one died for all," - II Corinthians 5:14
   Instead of reacting with human emotion, our desire to please Him and this knowledge (that Christ died for us all) helps us more easily yield to God as His love reaches out through us to even the most challenging people.

   That day God not only changed my heart toward Sharon, He also saved me from saying something I would later regret because I would have stooped down to her level in retaliation.
   God had already done such a marvelous thing, but He had one more pleasant surprise in store for me.

   I really believed God placed me at that job and had plans to keep me there for quite some time. But, things couldn't go on as they were between Sharon and me so I took the matter to God in  prayer.

   "Lord, I'm asking you to either change Sharon's heart or remove her from here," I said.

   Now Sharon had worked at the same location for the last 12 years and hadn't given any indication she had plans of leaving anytime soon.
   However, just after my experience (and to everyone's total surprise) she made the announcement she would be leaving within a few days.

   I must say, I was amazed at how fast God answered my prayer and it seemed the obvious conclusion was that He removed her because she was not going to change.  
   After she left, the atmosphere instantly improved at the work location, not only for me but, for everyone who had dealt with her caustic personality for all those years.

   God will change things for us in answer to prayer, but sometimes the most amazing changes are the ones that take place within our own heart.  


                     See more testimonies about a supernatural God at:  


Monday, May 8, 2017


         "These signs will follow those who believe... they will lay         
           hands on the sick, and they will recover." - Mark 16:17-18 

   I was at my granny's house one evening when a car pulled up outside. The screen door soon opened and my cousin, Danny, walked into the living room.
   We visited for a while when the conversation turned to a physical problem Danny had been dealing with for nearly a month.

   It seems in the recent past he had gotten into an altercation with a rather rough old boy. An argument had quickly escalated into a full-blown fight and the next thing Danny knew, this man grabbed a whisky bottle by the neck and broke it over his head.
   As if that wasn't bad enough, the man then proceeded to thrust the jagged end of the bottle neck against Danny's jaw, puncturing his skin.

   Danny then showed me the spot where the sharp glass had penetrated his face. There, I could see a open slit with clear liquid slowly oozing out.
   He said he initially went to the emergency room as soon as the injury occurred and the doctor put a few stitches in the cut. But in a short time his face swelled up and turned red.

   He then went back to the doctor who had to reopen the cut and place a tube in it so the fluid would drain. The physician explained that the jagged glass had pierced a saliva gland which accounted for the clear liquid oozing from the cut.
   The doctor said the procedure to repair the injury required delicate surgery and needed to be performed by a specialist. So Danny made arrangements to see one.
   Despite the fact I had been raised in a denomination that didn't believe in laying hands on the sick, I had learned from reading the Bible that Christians are actually supposed to lay hands on the sick and to fully expect them to recover.
   I explained all of this to Danny and told him I would like to pray for him, to which he was more than willing. I laid my hand next to the wound and simply commanded it to close up and be healed "in the name of Jesus."
   Though I saw no immediate results, I told Danny I was confident it would happen and encouraged him to just believe. He seemed satisfied with my advice and went on his way.

   To be honest with you, I had completely forgotten about the whole incident until I saw Danny again several weeks later at his parent's house.
   I was sharing with everyone there about how I believed God could still use people to heal others, when Danny suddenly spoke up.

   "I believe it," Danny said, with an absolute tone in his voice.
"Jimmy healed me. He prayed for that cut on my face and it closed up!"

   He then pointed to the spot where the wound had been and there was no clear liquid or open cut to be seen. Later, Danny told me more details of the story which made the whole incident even more remarkable.

   "When I would go into a restaurant I would have to hold a napkin over my jaw because of the drainage and try to eat with the other hand. It was really embarrassing," he explained.

   "You prayed for me on Friday evening. I was driving a truck then and was supposed to take a load to Dallas on Saturday. I had heard Billy Graham was holding a crusade in Dallas at the time," he recalled.
   "On the way to Granny's house that night I joked with my friends saying, 'Maybe I should look up Billy Graham when I get there and get him to pray for my jaw.' "

   Danny went on to explain that he was actually scheduled to see the specialist the next Monday, but by Saturday the saliva had stop flowing and the cut had completely closed up.

   His testimony is a wonderful confirmation to the promise Jesus made in Mark 16 that believers will indeed - 
                            "lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

                                                          *  *  *  *  *  *  *

                If you will step out in faith on God's promises, you will find
                  that He is faithful to fulfill what He has said in His Word.
                        See more testimonies about a supernatural God at:  


Tuesday, April 25, 2017


   God is always attempting to communicate with us and one of the methods he uses is the language of dreams. Throughout the course of my life God has revealed many things to me through dreams, but one of the most astounding occurrences involved my son, Joshua.

   It was early one morning and I was getting ready to go to work. I was standing in the dining room and had just poured myself a cup of coffee when Joshua came out of his bedroom.

   He walked down the short hallway and when he reached the dining room he said to me, "Dad, I had a weird dream last night."

   "I know, and I'll tell you what it was," I answered back.

     I then commenced to tell him exactly what he had dreamed and when I finished, he stood there with a stunned look on his face.

   "That's right. How did you know that?" He exclaimed.

   Now he was amazed enough that I knew what he had dreamed the night before, but my next statement really seemed to shock him.

   "I know what you dreamed last night," I explained, "because I had the same dream."

   While that story may sound rather hard to believe, something very similar is recorded in the Bible regarding Daniel and the three Hebrew children.

   The Babylonian ruler, King Nebuchadnezzar, had a dream that troubled him deeply. He wanted to know the interpretation of the dream so he called for his magicians, astrologers, enchanters and sorcerers.

   Once they arrived he put a demand on them that seemed impossible. Not only were they commanded to tell the king the interpretation of his dream, they also had to tell him what he had dreamed.

   Furthermore, anyone failing to do as the king ordered would be facing a certain penalty of death. The lives of Daniel and his three Hebrew companions also became threatened so they cried out to God for mercy and the understanding of Nebuchadnezzar's dream.

   Chapter 2, verse 19, then tells us:
        "Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of
          the night. Then Daniel blessed the God of Heaven."

   When brought before the King, Daniel said to him,
         "No wise men, magicians, enchanters or astrologers can
           show to the king the mystery the king has asked, but
           there is a God in Heaven who reveals mysteries."

   Many people today still seek answers from those involved in occult practices such as astrologers and some even try to communicate with the dead through those claiming to be mediums. But whatever does not bring you closer to God, only serves to take you farther away.

   My particular experience helped to strengthen my faith in God's ability to speak to me in dreams while also revealing to me that He watches over my son at night, even in his thoughts.
   God alone can be trusted to give us the answers we seek and, while He can communicate in a variety of ways, He just may choose to speak to us through the language of dreams.

                  See more testimonies about our supernatural God at:  


Friday, April 14, 2017


     I attended church one Sunday evening with a couple of friends. After the service, we decided to go to a local fast food dairy store and have some ice cream.
     I was sitting in the back seat and, as we traveled along, I leaned forward and began to share with my friends some of the wonderful supernatural ways in which God had been using me lately.
     Phil was driving and Fay was sitting on the passenger's side. I could see Fay plainly and no sooner had I finished speaking than I clearly heard her say,
     "I wish God would use me that way."
     Though I never saw her lips move, I distinctly heard those words, as if she had spoken them out loud.
     I was so convinced of what I just heard that I turned to her and said,
     "God will use you. All you have to do is believe."
     She turned her head toward me and, with an astonished look on her face, asked,  "Why did you say that!"
     I said, "Isn't that what you was thinking?"
     "Yes," she replied. "But I  never actually said anything. How did you know that's what I was thinking?"
     "Because I heard your thoughts," I replied.

     We have this example in the New Testament where Jesus new men's thoughts:

             "And at once some of the Pharisees said within themselves,
             'This Man blasphemes!' But Jesus, knowing their thoughts,
              said, 'Why do you think evil in your hearts?' " - Matthew 9:3-4

     The words used here, "said within themselves", means the Pharisees were thinking this, but  didn't say it out loud.
     Another case of the Lord knowing man's thoughts is recorded in Luke 

             "Others testing Him, sought from Him a sign from Heaven.
               But He,  knowing  their  thoughts, said to them:"

     The word "testing" in this verse means the people were trying to manipulate Jesus into doing something. They were using deception to trick Him but Jesus knew their real intent because He could read their thoughts.

     Jesus said in I John 14:12 -

             "Truly. truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works 
             that I do, he will do also;"

     Christ was able to know men's thoughts through the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling him and, according to this scripture, Christians are capable of  experiencing some of the same supernatural manifestations of God that Jesus did.
     One of the nine spiritual gifts mentioned in 1st Corinthians the 12th Chapter, which is available to all believers as The Holy Spirit wills, is the word of knowledge. This is the ability to supernaturally know facts about people, places and things, just as Jesus did .
     In my particular case, the Lord was temporarily granting me the ability through the word of knowledge to hear the longing of this woman's heart. 
     Now, I have found that God always has practical reasons for the things He does and it appears He had a two-fold purpose in this particular supernatural manifestation of His Great Spirit:
   1.  It was meant to build up my own level of faith and understanding in the  
        Gifts of The Spirit.
   2. More importantly, it occurred to give Fay assurance that God knows  her    
       personally and loves her enough to take the time to respond concerning
       the cry of her heart.

               What an Awesome and Loving God we serve!


     See more testimonies about our supernatural God at:  


Thursday, April 6, 2017


   Looking back, I can't even tell you what the argument was about.

   All I remember was that the boys' mother and I were standing in the living room of our home and the conversation had escalated into a shouting match.
   I don't have to tell you, that is never the wise or proper way to communicate with anyone but, then again, when you're angry all reason seems to fly out the window anyway.
   Point is, our emotions had reached a fever pitch and we were now just snapping back and forth and arriving at to no peaceful resolution at all.

   Then, when I was right in the middle of a heated comeback to a seemingly sarcastic remark, I suddenly heard what I thought was a knock at the front door.
   Extremely annoyed at this unwelcome and untimely interruption, I quickly marched across the room and jerked open the front door, only to find no one there. I stepped outside and looked around but didn't see a soul.

   That only seemed to heighten my irritation and I walked back to the middle of the room and resumed my verbal retaliation exactly where I had left off. But it wasn't long before I heard the knock again.
   This time it dawned on me. The knock wasn't coming from outside the house, it was coming from inside! I actually heard it from behind a wall on which hung several photos of our two boys who, fortunately, happened to be gone at the time.

   I knew the only thing that was behind that wall was a very small utility closet, but I opened the door anyway in case something might be there. But, just as I had expected, there was nothing in it except for a few board games, a broom and a waste basket.
   Now, I knew it was impossible for a knock to have come from behind that wall, but I also couldn't deny what I had clearly heard. As I started back toward my wife, I glanced up on the wall beside the front door and noticed a picture my older brother had given me.

   It was a painting of Jesus standing outside of a home and knocking on the door.

   Below the picture was inscribed the scripture from  Revelation 3: 20 which reads,

                    "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears 
                      my voice, and opens the  door, I will come in to him, and 
                      will sup with him, and he with me."

   I would like to say, at that point we both got the message and quit our arguing. Unfortunately, and amazingly, that's not true. We continued to keep up our offense and defense and, as is usually the case, we got absolutely no where.

   Sadly, our marriage eventually ended in divorce. Now, these many years later, I'm convinced we witnessed a supernatural event that day, since there is no natural explanation for what happened.  I'm also convinced that Jesus had used that knocking sound to distract us long enough to give us time to calm down.

   I also believe that He purposely drew our attention to the wall with the boys' photos to let us know that we needed to learn to get along for their sakes!
   If we would have been more spiritually inclined at the time, instead of so bull-headed, who knows how things might have turned out. 

   How often is it in our lives that Jesus tries to intervene and prevent us from making some terrible mistakes, only to have us ignore him?
    How much heartache, misery and loss could we avoid if only we would take the time to respond to him when he is knocking on the door of our heart?

   I encourage you to listen for His leading as you go about your daily lives and not be so intently focused on what you are doing that you do not take the time to respond when He is wisely, lovingly attempting to influence your decisions and guide your footsteps. 


               Read more testimonies about a supernatural God at:  


Thursday, March 30, 2017


     My maternal grandfather's funeral was about to begin and under ordinary circumstances it would be a time of great sorrow. But something had happened just before his death that would completely change the outcome of the service.

     My grandfather helped my grandmother raise me in Oklahoma from the time I was five. He had a hearty laugh, a friendly smile and loved all the grandkids unconditionally.
     But, along with his good points, he had some major character flaws. He had been an alcoholic most of my life and he would frequently go on a "binge", disappearing for days at a time.  
     He showed a kind of respect for preachers, but never wanted to talk about the things of God. One of his sisters, who was a devout Christian, often tried to get him to go to church but he would have no part of it.
     And one day, after 22 years of marriage, he decided to leave my grandmother for a younger woman in Texas.

     The years passed and he developed an advanced stage of cancer. Since he was a World War II veteran, he decided to come back home and check himself into the VA Hospital in Oklahoma City for treatment.  
      I had given my heart to The Lord several years earlier and, after hearing about my grandfather's deteriorating health, I determined to pay him a visit to check on the condition of his soul.

      As I stood by his bedside, I asked him the question that everyone should contemplate when they're about to leave this world.
    "Are you prepared to go?" I asked him. "I know I'm going to Heaven and I want you to be there with me. Have you asked Jesus to come into your heart?"
   "Yes I did, Jim boy," he assured me. "I'm ready to go."

     I must admit he looked more peaceful than I had ever seen him and his response was spoken with the utmost sincerity.
     I left his room that day convinced that he had finally, somewhere, somehow, accepted Christ into his life.
     Unless a miracle occurred, I knew it was only a matter of time before my grandfather would die, but I prayed to God that he would go in peace when he did.

     The day finally came when we got the news.

     He was gone.

   When I talked to the attending physician he related to me quite a remarkable story.

     "Your grandfather would often go to the dayroom to smoke and watch TV. That's where we found him," the doctor said.
     "But what was strange was the way he looked. Instead of finding him lying on the floor," he explained. "We found him sitting up in the chair in a normal position."
   "His head was down and his chin was resting on his chest. And he had the most peaceful expression on his face. It looked as if he just went off to sleep."

     I knew my heartfelt prayers had been answered and God, in His mercy, had given my grandfather a peaceful departure.

     It was 2:00 and the funeral was about to start. A large number of family and friends had gathered to pay their respects and say their final farewells.
     Most funerals are very sad and somber occasions, but something felt very different about this one.
     Instead of the usual grief and mourning, a sense of joy and celebration filled the air. The songs played were upbeat traditional Christian hymns and a content smile could be seen on several faces.
     The uniqueness of the atmosphere was unmistakable and even one of my brother-in-laws, who was not a dedicated Christian by any stretch of the imagination, made this comment following the service.

     "I've never been to a funeral like that before. What was that I felt in there?" he asked.

     "That was the Spirit of God," I explained. 

     "It didn't seem like a funeral. It was more like a party!" he exclaimed.

   He was right. All of us who knew my grandfather well, realized a miracle had occurred when he got saved. He made his decision just in time and we were joyful now because we knew that Heaven, in all its splendor, awaited him on the other side.

     Sometimes it may be hard to say goodbye but, as Christians, the Bible tells us that we can have comfort when a saved loved one departs because we know the separation is only temporary.

 1st Thessalonians 4:

13) Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14) For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15) According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16) For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17) After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.      18) Therefore comfort one another with these words.

     Read more testimonies of God's love, power & provision at:  


Thursday, March 23, 2017


     It has always been God's nature to create. In times past He created the heavens and the earth. Then He created a Savior to redeem humanity from their sins.
     Today He continues to create and one way it is evident is through the various methods He uses to bless His children.

     In fall of 1992 I was having trouble making ends meet working menial jobs. So, in the hopes it would open up some doors of opportunity to a better income for my family, I went back to college.
     Though jobs, student loans and financial aid provided finances to cover most of the bills, I still had to come up with some additional money to pay the balance of the monthly expenses while attending school.
     One of the most readily available sources of income I found on campus was scholarships, so I set out to obtain every one I possibly could.
     Pursuing a minor in Art, and being of Choctaw and Chickasaw tribal heritage, it seemed a perfect fit to apply for a single $1,000 scholarship being offered by the American Indian Arts Council of Dallas.
     After  completing the application and collecting the additional required documents, I placed all the paperwork in a large manila envelope and sent it off with a prayer that God would bless it.
     The directions that came with the application said I would be notified within a week if I had been selected to receive the scholarship.
     Four days went by, then five, then six, then seven. "I guess I'm not going to get the scholarship," I said to myself, rather disheartened.
     About that time I heard God speak to me very clearly. And while it was not an audible voice, it was, nevertheless, quite distinct.

     "If I have to," I heard Him say, "I will 'create' something just for you."

     Eight days went by, then nine, then ten... still no reply. Though everything seemed to be looking hopeless, I held on in faith that I would receive a scholarship, trusting in the words God told me.
     Then, about two weeks after I mailed the envelope off, a letter arrived. It was from the American Indian Arts Council and I could hardly wait to open it and see what it said.

     "As a result of the number of outstanding applications," the paragraph began, "The AIAC decided to create  'Honorary Scholarships' to recognize students with distinguished credentials who were not chosen for the $1,000 Award... for this special $500 award, you have been selected."

     The word jumped off the page at me... "create." There it was just as the voice of God had promised.

     I learned a valuable lesson through this experience. When it comes to meeting our needs, God is not restricted by usual timing, rules or regulations. And He will, when necessary, create a brand new avenue of blessing...              just for us.   


        See more testimonies of God's love, power & provision at:  


Thursday, March 16, 2017


     When my wife and I got married we were quite strapped for money, so I decided to get a simple silver wedding band instead of a gold one. "Besides, it's the thought that matters," I figured, "not the cost." 

     The cheaper ring seemed to work just fine for several weeks. Then one day my finger began to itch under my wedding band and when I took it off I noticed some red bumps.

      "It probably just needs to be cleaned," I thought, so I bought some jewelry cleaner and polished it thoroughly. That seemed to do the trick for a while, but it wasn't long before the itching and red bumps returned.

     It was finally obvious to me that I was having some kind of an allergic reaction to the metal in the ring. I didn't want the rash and itching to continue, but at the same time I didn't want to go without a wedding band.

     One morning I dropped my wife off at work then headed to my job. As I drove along, I was feeling somewhat frustrated over my dilemma so I offered up a quick and simple request to God.

     "Lord, I really need to get a gold wedding band because I know it wouldn't irritate my finger," I said. "But I just don't have the money to buy one right now."

     "So, Lord," I prayed, "I'm asking you to make a way for me to get one. And I thank you for it, in Jesus' name. Amen."

     I went on to work and thought no more about it.  About an hour later I was scheduled to meet with a local merchant whose business was only a couple of blocks from the office.

     Since it was so close, and it was such a nice day, I decided to walk instead of drive. After the visit was over, I walked out the front door and strolled across the street.

     I stepped up on the curb and started down the sidewalk. Something had briefly caught my eye as I was stepping up on the curb and I decided to go back and take a closer look.

     It was well into the fall season and there were a lot of brown and yellow leaves heaped against the curb. I looked down and there, in the midst of the fallen foliage, I caught the glimpse of an oval shape.

     At first glance it looked like a weathered piece of brass, but when I pulled it from the leaves it was apparent it was a tarnished wedding band.

     I looked inside to see if there were any initials or names, but found none. I did, however, see the jeweler's stamp that clearly read "14K." "This could be an answer to prayer," I thought, so I tried it on. It was almost a perfect fit!

     As I stood there excited at the possibility of finally having a gold wedding band, the thought suddenly occurred to me, "someone has lost this and would like to get it back."

     "Oh well," I said to myself, slightly disappointed, then set out to find the owner. My first idea was to check with the county newspaper to see if anyone had reported a lost wedding ring. No one had.

      My next plan was to call the local police station. I described the ring and told the officer exactly when and where I had found it. I then asked him if anyone had reported losing a gold wedding band.  He said, "no." I then asked him what I should do with it. He remarked quite absolutely, "Keep it. Looks like you got you a wedding band!"

    From its tarnished appearance, it was obvious the ring had been laying against the curb for quite some time.  And there was no telling who lost it or exactly when.

     I continued to check in with the local newspaper and, after several days, finally accepted the idea this was in fact a remarkable, and very fast, answer to a needful prayer.

     It's important to note here that I've never been one to find things of value very often. But when I have, it has always been exactly what I needed, at exactly the right time. And it almost always occurred immediately following a heart-felt prayer to God.

   See more testimonies of God's love, power & provision at:  


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

JEHOVAH JIREH: The Lord Will Provide

     My wife, Jeniece, and I wanted to go for a weekend getaway to
Granbury, Texas but really didn't have the money to spare.

Nevertheless, I had a pleasant feeling on the inside about going and
the feeling just persisted during the entire trip down there.

     This was very uncharacteristic of me, since I normally wouldn't
spend money for something I didn't think we could afford. But this
time I just felt like everything would work out somehow.

     Despite the fact we had just taken a rather long three-hour
journey, when we arrived at Granbury we decided to go straight to
the city square in the old historic part of town instead of going to our
hotel room to unpack and relax.

     As I pulled up in front of one of our favorite little shops, I  passed
over something near the curb that looked a little unusual. After I
parked, Jeniece got out of the car and headed into the store.  I told
her I  would be right with her but had to go look at something first.

     I walked back behind the car and looked down at what I had seen
on the road. There, lying in clear sight, was what appeared to be some
money folded up.

     I leaned down and picked it up and, much to my amazement, there
were six ten-dollar bills neatly folded together - exactly  the amount
we needed to pay for the hotel room.

     This was a special blessing because the money we had originally
budgeted for our hotel room could now be used to enjoy much
better meals over the weekend.

     God really does take care of His children and, if we follow His
leadings, we will always have our needs provided.


   See more testimonies of God's love, power & provision at:  
