Wednesday, December 28, 2016

More Amazing Answers To Prayer

If you live on this earth long enough, you can be assured you will end up dealing with a difficult person. But if you turn the situation over to God, He is able and willing to make you the victor and not the victim.

                            God's Power Over Difficult People

   I had just been hired as a customer representative for a tire distributor and it was my very first day on the job. After leaving Springdale, I drove 70 miles in a snow storm that left Arkansas State Highway 71 reduced to a single lane. All the way, I kept hoping I wouldn't meet any one because there was no place to pull over.
   I finally made it to Ft. Smith but had to stop on a hill in town because the traffic was backed up. The blowing snow had covered over my headlights which made it very difficult to see so I decided I would get out to clean them off.
   After scrapping the ice and snow off the headlight lens, I took a couple of steps back toward the driver's door. Being on an incline made it very hard to walk and I lost my footing . My legs flew out from under me and I hit the icy pavement full force on my back.
   By now I was in pain, frustrated and embarrassed. This new job was proving to be far more of a challenge than I had anticipated, but the worst was yet to come.  
   My boss, Al, had asked me to drop by and pay a visit to a particular tire dealer there in Ft. Smith and see if I could drum up some sales. I carefully navigated my way along the icy roads in town until I located the business.
   I pulled into the parking lot, got out of my car and walked up to the front door. A soon as I entered the business I introduced myself to an older gentleman and told him the company I represented.
   No sooner had I mentioned the name of my company than he began to chew me out in a very loud voice and literally got right up in my face. This caught me completely off guard, since I had no idea what he was so angry about.
   "Let me tell you something, boy," He shouted. " I was in the tire business before you was ever born and you can't tell me anything about tires."
   Now it was true I didn't know much about tires since it was just my first day on the job, but I didn't appreciate this man's attitude. Matter of fact, after standing there listening to him continue to bad mouth me, I was starting to get a little angry myself. I had already had a really rough day and the last thing I needed was some hothead yelling in my face!
   Even as Christians, there are times the carnal nature kicks in and we feel like reacting in a way that is not pleasing to God. I could have tried to justify myself, but I knew I still had a duty as a Believer to do the right thing so out of a desire to please God I cried out to Him for help.
   "Lord, I feel like punching this guy right in the face," I admitted silently. "But I know you don't want me to do that. So Lord I'm asking you to help me," I pleaded, "because I don't know what to do."
   I had no sooner finished that prayer than I felt a wave of electricity start at the top of my head and move quickly down the full length of my body. I had felt this sensation many times before and I quickly recognized it as the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

                            God promises in Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV) -
            "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty    
              things, which you do not know."

   Well, all I can say is, I did and He did! I called to Him and He answered in a great and mighty way.
   Just a few seconds before, this man in front of me had been ranting
and yelling with a crazed look in his eyes. Yet, as I watched him now, his
expression suddenly changed to a look of bewilderment as if he didn't
quite know what he was doing.
   He blinked his eyes, backed up, and a very mellow look rapidly
spread came over his face. He then kindly asked me to repeat my name.
This may sound odd to some of you, but, though I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit on the outside of my body, I must admit, it had not penetrated inside to the calming of my soul.
   In fact, I was still feeling so aggravated from this man's previous
verbal assault that I snapped the answer back at him, "My name is
   "Well, Jim," He now spoke in a very friendly tone of voice, "I think we got off to bad start. I'm sorry about that, but I do a large volume of business here and I don't really think you would be able to beat the prices I can buy at right now."
   I had finally begun to relax a little bit and it sunk in exactly what had just happened. I prayed to the Lord for help and He showed up on the scene, doing what only He could do.
   When telling this story to others I often say with a smile on my face, "The biggest mistake that man made that day was getting too close to me. Because, when the Holy Spirit came on me, it got all over him and changed his heart!"
   The gentleman continued, "Have you ever seen my place, Jim?" "No," I replied. "Well, let me show you around. Do you drink coffee?" "Yes I do," I affirmed. "Cream, sugar?" He asked. Looking at the secretary He said, "Get this man some coffee and put in it whatever he wants!"
   The man who previously seemed poised for a knock down drag out, now took me on a friendly tour of his warehouse. Afterward he thanked me for coming and gave me a warm sendoff.
   "Jim, I really don't think you have anything I would be interested in, but the next time you're in town be sure to stop by and I'll take a look at what you've got," He promised. "And I'll even take you out to lunch!"
   What a turnaround! He started off treating me like a bitter enemy and ended up treating me like a close friend. That's what God can do! 
   Just remember, you don't have to face difficult situations alone. God is there to help and He's only a humble, heart-felt prayer away!


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                      And be a blessing by sharing it with others.
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                              Acts of an Awesome God !

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Flame of Revival


   God revealed this supernatural sign to me several years ago but it's 
as fresh as if it occurred only yesterday. May you be blessed by this testimony of God's power to set the human soul on fire.             

                                       God's Fire of Approval

   Bobbie had been attending church at an Assembly of God in Wichita Falls, Texas. Late one afternoon she asked me to give her a ride there because she wanted to sit in on the evening service.
   We traveled the usual route which took us down one of the main boulevards in town. As we made our way onto the side street that led up to the church, I could see the building in front of us about two blocks away.  
   Typical to many houses of worship, this Assembly of God had a steeple on top. As we neared the church, some movement caught my eye just above the building.
   I glanced up to see what it was and there at the tip of the steeple was a huge flickering yellow and orange flame. It was as clear as could be and as we got closer to the church it suddenly vanished.
   I didn't mention the flame to Bobbie but I did ask her if there was anything special going on in the church at the time. She said they were in "revival" and God was really moving.
   Bobbie went on to say that the pastor had recently gone off for several days to get alone with God.
   "Ever since he's come back, he's really different," she said. "You should come and listen to him."
   Now I had attended the church for several weeks prior and when the pastor got up to speak it seemed as though he always had a hardness about his demeanor.
   This troubled me so much that I had quit attending the services altogether. But since I had just seen this Heavenly vision that I believed was a confirmation from God there was indeed a spiritual "revival" in full swing at the church, I decided to attend a service and check it out for myself.
   That following Sunday morning I walked through the front doors, took a seat and waited to see what change, if any, had happened to the pastor.
   When he stood up behind the pulpit to speak, I saw a different man.
   In place of the stern and serious look he had carried before was a humble and tender expression that spoke of a man who had spent time in the presence of a loving and merciful God.
   The kindness and compassion that issued from his lips let me know he had truly experienced a change of heart.
   Proverbs 20:27  refers to the spirit of man as the "candle" of the Lord and I believe that a revival had taken place earlier in the pastor's heart, setting His soul on fire, which then opened the way for a revival to break out among his congregation.
   The flame I saw was simply a supernatural sign by which God confirmed (like on the day of Pentecost when cloven tongues of fire sat upon each disciple who was filled with The Holy Ghost) that a mighty spiritual transformation was taking place within that church.
   It is one thing to say you are having a revival, but it is another thing altogether to have God supernaturally bear witness to an actual revival in your midst.

          Have a Wonderful Weekend and a very Merry Christmas.

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                           And be sure to join me next week for more

                                    Acts of an Awesome God !

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Amazing Answers To Prayer


                                           Give Me A Sign, Lord

   Merrell and I had some business to take care of one day in downtown Oklahoma City. Once we arrived we took an exit off Interstate 40 and headed north up Robinson Ave. We had only traveled a few blocks when we noticed a man standing on the sidewalk next to the road carrying a large sandwich sign.
   As we got closer, we could clearly read a quote from the Bible on one side of the sign which had obviously been hand-painted. I was so impressed with this man's boldness and devotion to spread the Word of God that I just had to go back and tell him.
   We swung the car around and once we parked we walked over to him and struck up a conversation. He told us he had been doing this for years and it was just his way of spreading the Gospel.
   I asked him if there was anything we could do for him. He said the thick plywood signs he carried were very heavy and he had to use several of them in order to share multiple scriptures.
   He said he really wished he could get a lighter sign that was made in such a way he could change the letters out instead of having to hand paint a different message on several different signs . I told him I didn't have any money to buy him a sign but I would be willing to pray for Him (Silver and gold have I none, but...).
   Now I had seen the Lord provide some remarkable answers to prayer up to that time and my faith was at high tide that day. I told this gentleman that he was doing a very good thing by sharing the Word on a busy street and I believed the Lord would answer his request.
   So this gentleman took hands with Merrell and me and the three of us prayed right there in downtown Oklahoma City as the afternoon traffic sped by.
   "Lord," I began. "You said in Matthew 18:19, 'If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven.'"
   "Now, Lord, you see this man is trying to spread the Gospel and he needs a better sign," I continued. "So I stand in agreement with this man that you're going to make the way for him to have what he needs and I thank you for it in Jesus' name. Amen!"
   I turned to the man and said, "Brother, I believe God heard us and He's going to give you what you need!" We stood there visiting for what couldn't have been more than a minute when a pickup passed by that had some type of lettering on the door.
   It traveled about a block then turned around. As it approached, it pulled over next to the curb beside us and the driver rolled down his window. He explained to the man with the signs that he greatly respected what he was doing and would like to help him out.
   He said (you guessed it), "I own a company that makes plastic signs and I would like to provide one for you. You can change out the lettering on it and that way you won't have to carry all those heavy wooden signs around."
   "But I don't have the money to pay for one," The gentleman told the driver. "You don't have to," the driver explained to the old man. "They're free and I'll give you as many as you want for as long as you need them."

         Note:  There really is power in agreement and God is true to
                       His Word. If we will do our part, He is faithful to do
                       His part.  The Bible says in 1st John 3:22,
                           "And whatever we ask, we receive of Him,
                             because we keep His commandments, and
                             do what is pleasing in His sight."

                Have a blessed day and be sure to join me next week for more:

                                         "Acts of an Awesome God!" 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Glorious Manifestations (part 2)


                                                Light Unto My Path  (Conclusion)

   As Marty and I looked out the front windshield, the road directly in front of us suddenly lit up. The odd thing is, it didn't appear as though the light was on the surface of the road. Rather, it seemed as if the brightness was actually coming from underneath the blacktop and shining upward, much the same way the flashing disco dance floors of the 70's looked.
   There was a beam of bright light which shone directly in front of me and one that shone directly in front of Marty. Each beam had equal intensity and they went on straight ahead in front of the car for about a half mile then faded into the distant darkness.
   They appeared for just a few seconds, though it seemed much longer, then suddenly vanished. While I was certain we had just had a supernatural experience, I still wanted some further evidence.
   A few seconds after the beams of light disappeared, Marty turned to me and asked, "Did you see that?" I replied cautiously, "See what?" He described in detail what he had just seen and I affirmed I saw the very same thing.
   "What does it mean?" Marty asked. "I don't really know," I said.
                    As I sat there wondering about the whole event, this scripture from
                    Psalm 119 suddenly came to me,

             vs. 105)  "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

   Now that scripture had puzzled me for years. I had wondered why God chose to use the example of a light AND a lamp, instead of a light OR a lamp. Now suddenly I understood... now I had the revelation.
   Like an old-fashioned lamp that shines near your feet to show you where you need to take your next step, God's word brings illumination and understanding regarding decisions in our immediate lives.
   Also, like the bright beams we saw on the highway that night, God's word also provides understanding regarding our future. When we are in the dark about what to do, it reveals or "lights" the path we are to take.
   After this incredible experience, we decided to drive around a little more so I started the car up to leave. As soon as I turned on the headlights, I then had no doubt we had just observed something supernatural.   
   Because, while the headlights normally seemed very bright in the darkness, they now appeared a dingy yellow in comparison to the pure white beams Marty and I had just seen on the road in front of us.
   The brilliance of the beams reminded me of the same type of pure, white light I had seen a few years earlier when I witnessed the large cross light up at that Methodist Church.
   My walk with God up to this point had already been unforgettable but many more supernatural encounters lay ahead. I would come to know Him in an even deeper and greater way in the months and years that followed.

                Note:  We serve a supernatural God, so it is only reasonable to
                           expect supernatural experiences as we follow Him day to
                           day. Expect Him to move wondrously in your behalf!

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                                    "Acts of an Awesome God!"

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Glorious Manifestations (part 1)

                                          Light Unto My Path  (part 1)

   In the months that followed my salvation experience, I loved to take leisurely drives with my Christian friends and talk about the things of God. On one special night I was visiting with two of my closest friends, Marty and Merrell. 
   We had been sharing the usual course of conversation about the Scriptures when suddenly I got the strongest impression. It felt so definite that I even dared to voice it out loud to Merrell and Marty.
   "I feel like God just revealed to me that if we would go over to the old highway on the east edge of town that we would see a vision!" I announced confidently. Now I know that was a very bold statement (one that would be proven true or false quick enough) but I was certain I had heard accurately from God and was willing to stake my reputation on it.
   Everyone seemed game so we headed off in the direction of the old highway. Once we arrived, I pulled the car over and turned off the engine and the headlights. We once again struck up our conversation about the Lord.
   We had been sitting there visiting for a few minutes when suddenly everyone stopped talking all at once. A strange stillness immediately settled in the car. At the time, I was sitting in the driver's seat and Marty was in the front on the passenger's side. Merrell was in the back seat alone.
   As Marty and I looked out the front windshield, the road directly in front of us suddenly lit up. The odd thing is, it didn't appear as though the light was on the surface of the road. Rather, it seemed as if the brightness was actually coming from underneath the blacktop, much the same way the disco dance floors of the 70's looked.
   There was a beam of bright light which shone directly in front of me and one that shone directly in front of Marty. Each beam had equal intensity and they went on straight ahead in front of the car for about a half mile then faded into the distant darkness.
   They appeared for just a few seconds, though it seemed much longer, then suddenly vanished.

                     Now, May the Lord bless you tremendously this week
                    and be sure to join me this Saturday for the conclusion
                       of this wonderful  "Act of an Awesome God!" 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Warrior Angel (Conclusion)

                                     Star Trek confirmation    

    Now the Bible is full of stories where angels of God intervened in the affairs of       mankind and many times offered help in time of need.

                                         We are also told in Hebrews 1:14 -
                                 "Are not all angels ministering spirits, sent
                                 to serve those who will inherit salvation?"

                                  Again, the Bible promises in Psalms 34:7 -
                              "The angel of the Lord encamps around
                                those that fear Him."

    So, while I certainly believed in the existence of angels, I still wanted to receive some sort of confirmation from God concerning my particular experience. After all, I had heard of angels with robes, angels with wings, but never angels that appeared as sparkling light.
    When sharing this experience with others, I have often been asked to describe more precisely how the image of light first appeared. And I have always responded with the best example I could think of from a personal viewpoint.   
   "Have you ever seen Star Trek?" I would ask. "You know when Captain Kirk would stand in the transporter room and say, 'Beam me up Scotty'? And the molecules in his body would began to break down and it looked like shimmering, sparkling light? Well, that's the way the image came and that's the way it left," I would explain.
     I continued to pray that God would verify that what I had seen was in fact one of His heavenly beings, but it wasn't until several years later that I received a confirmation with which I was satisfied.
    I was working as a desk clerk at a local hotel back in my hometown in Oklahoma one Saturday when the manager came in to check on things. I noticed the shopping bag in her hand and asked her where she had been.
   She explained she had just returned from Mardel's Christian Book Store where she had picked up a few books so I asked to see what she had bought.
   One of the books, "The Man Who Talked With Angels," was written by a woman named Sharon Rose Buck White. Her father, Pastor Roland Buck, had written a book a few years earlier entitled, "Angels on Assignment," in which he described, in remarkable detail, numerous angelic visitations he claimed to have encountered over a period of several months.
    Since the publication of the first book, Pastor Buck had passed away and this more recent volume penned by his daughter was actually a sequel to her father's bestseller. In her book, Mrs. White shares with the readers accounts of the last 9 angelic visitations her father had, accounts not included in the pages of "Angels On Assignment." 
    In Mrs. White's book, I found the confirmation I had been waiting for concerning my amazing encounter in Wichita Falls. In chapter 25 she gives her father's account of the very last angelic encounter he had, less than a month before he went to Heaven.
   To my delight and relief, there on the pages before me, was Pastor Buck's unique description of what transpired on the evening of October 13, 1979.       
   "Last night in my office, I found out that the visit six weeks ago wasn't the last one... My head was down, and I was doing some meditating, and looking at the Scripture. They came in just like those people on the television series, 'Star Trek'. I was breathless because I never get accustomed to their presence."
   "Star Trek." There it was. Those key words jumped out at me and settled the issue forever in my mind. It was a unique description of a very unique experience, unlike anything else I had ever known up to that time.  
   Though I don't know why God took so long to confirm my experience, I no longer doubted that I saw an actual angel late that night in the ministers' home.
   Many people live an entire lifetime and never see an angel, so I was very grateful for this rare opportunity God had allowed. Yet, surprisingly, this was not the only time I would be permitted to catch a glimpse of God's Heavenly Host.
           Remember: When you are battling fear, just call on God and have faith He  
                will answer and, if necessary, send Warrior Angels to protect you.

            Be a blessing to others by Sharing This Story . Encourage your
       friends to Follow This Blog and join me next Wednesday for more:

                                   "Acts Of An Awesome God." 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Warrior Angel (Part 2)

   God and His angels are both very real. Let the second part of this story bring you comfort and security in an otherwise troubled and unsettled world.

                            Warrior Angel - Bearer of Peace

   I looked back over toward the front door once again and realized the lights were growing in number and had even begun to take on the shape of a man... a very large man!
   The average door in a home is about 7 feet tall and three feet wide. The shape I was seeing reached from the floor to just above the door frame and filled the entryway from side-to-side.
   While I couldn't distinguish any fine details, there was no mistaking the outline of a head, very broad shoulders, large arms that hung to the side and the full length of a masculine body.
   The vision was to my right and the whole time I was looking at it the entire right side of my body was charged with electricity and the hair on my right arm stood straight up!
   Just like the time I saw the bright light in front of the cross at the Methodist Church back in Pauls Valley, I felt absolutely no fear at this supernatural appearance.
      As I continued to watch it, the sparkling figure slowly began to fade and the lights soon vanished completely. I wasn't sure what had just happened, exactly why it took place, nor why Sister J. and her daughter weren't able to see the bright, supernatural vision that manifested directly in front of them.
     Before we went to bed I told Sister J. what I had witnessed but she didn't seem to have much to say about it at the time. But the next morning she told me something that brought me a much greater understanding of what had occurred the night before.
   "What you didn't know, Jim," she began, "was that we had had a prowler around the neighborhood for the last several nights before you came. I know I should have had more faith in God," she humbly confessed, "but I have to admit, I have been scared."
   "I had not been able to sleep well and it was starting to affect my health. I had been praying to God to do something, and the night you told me you saw that vision I knew it was an angel that the Lord had sent to protect us," she explained.
   "Then last night I slept better than I had in several nights and it was because of the vision you told me you saw."
   So now I knew what I had seen, why I had seen it, but I still didn't know why I was the only who was able to see it. Sister J's response was, " I don't know why no one else saw the angel, Jim. I guess that's just the way God wanted it."

   Be sure to join me next Wednesday for the remarkable conclusion to this fascinating true story, when God reveals to me a yet deeper dimension to this angelic encounter. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Warrior Angel (Part 1)

I've been blessed by an enormous number of supernatural encounters with God over the last 40 years and this one is by far one of the most amazing. Be comforted and inspired by this true story:

                                                             Guardian of God 

The night I met the evangelists at Brother Glen's house, I had no idea they would become such valued ministers and special friends. I believed they were chosen by God to introduce me to the deeper things of His Spirit but really doubted whether I would ever see them again.
   Yet after I returned to my house in Oklahoma I was informed that they sometimes spoke at different venues around the state, so I made every effort to attend their meetings as often as I could.
   Over time we became very well acquainted and I even had the distinct honor of visiting their home in Wichita Falls, Texas on various occasions. During one such visit I had a supernatural encounter that would change my views of the spirit world forever.
   The day had been especially busy at their house and it was now late in the evening.
Everyone else in the family was in bed while Sister J. and her oldest daughter were seated in chairs at one end of the living room next to the kitchen entry.
   I was at the other end of the living room relaxing in a large arm chair, facing Sister J. and her daughter. Since it was so late, most of the lights in the house were out except the ceiling light in the kitchen.
   While I sat there casually listening to the conversation at the other end of the room, I suddenly caught some movement out of the corner of my right eye. I slowly turned to see what it was.
   There, just inside the front door, I saw what appeared to be a group of small white lights that looked very much like sparkling glitter. Since it was heavily shadowed in that part of the house, the sparkling lights stood out very distinctly against the dark background.
   I thought surely Sister J. and her daughter were seeing the same thing since they were actually in a more direct line of sight to the front door than I was. Yet when I looked over to where they were seated, it was obvious they were completely unaware of what was going on before my eyes.
   I looked back over toward the front door once again and realized the lights were growing in number and had even begun to take on the shape of a man... a very large man!
   The average door in a home is about 7 feet tall and three feet wide. The shape I was seeing reached from the floor to just above the door frame and filled the entryway from side-to-side.
   While I couldn't distinguish any fine details, there was no mistaking the outline of a head, very broad shoulders, large arms that hung to the side and the full length of a masculine body.
   The vision was to my right and the whole time I was looking at it the entire right side of 

my body was charged with electricity and the hair on my right arm stood straight up! 

                                                             * * * * * * * * * * * *

                 Join me Saturday evening for the conclusion of "Warrior Angel"                  

                            Do share this uplifting story with your friends and 
                                        Have A Very Blessed Thanksgiving !   

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Barbara's Double Miracle (conclusion)

Miracle Child - Comfort For A Broken Heart

   "There is someone here who has colitis," the woman began. "You have been to two different doctors over the last three months and the last doctor you went to see said the only one who can help you now is God... and he is right. Just receive your healing!"

   By this time the woman minister had my full attention. After all, she had just repeated word-for-word the medical report Barbara shared with me during our private conversation in the camper on the way to Texas the day before.

   (Though she didn't publicly acknowledge it at the time, Barbara told me later that when the woman minister told her to receive her healing, she suddenly felt a warmth in her abdomen and all the pain left.)

   The woman evangelist spoke directly to a couple of other people in the room then sat down. Her husband proceeded to share a brief message, after which he concluded the meeting.

   Barbara rose from her seat and walked over to the woman evangelist. "I'm the person who had colitis," Barbara confessed. "Yes, and there's something else wrong with you in here," the woman minister proclaimed, pointing to Barbara's lower abdomen.

   Now I knew Barbara had one son, Jamie, who had been adopted by Barbara's mother. But, unknown to me, she had been told by a staff of 7 doctors she would never be able to bear another child.

   The woman minister continued, "You have a child, a son. But someone else is raising him and they have even adopted him. You would like to have another child but doctors have told you that you cannot have any more. You have been heartbroken over this but God is going to fix that, too, and you will have another son."

   Just then the woman evangelist reached over and touched Barbara's abdomen. When she did, Barbara felt weak all over, staggered backwards and crumpled to the floor. Barbara sat there on the tile for a minute or so then slowly got back to her feet. She appeared to be alright.

   One by one all the visitors, along with the guest evangelists, left Brother Glen's house and it was time for us to bed down for the night. Despite all the excitement from the evening's activities, we all somehow managed to drift off to sleep.

   After a good night's rest, our group had breakfast with Brother Glen and his wife, Alta, then we loaded up in the pickup truck and headed north. All the way back to Oklahoma everyone talked about the incredible things they had witnessed in Texas and many of us were determined to pay a return visit to Brother Glen's home as soon as possible.

   I didn't know it at the time, but I was to meet up with the visiting evangelists again one day soon, and the amazing prayer meeting I had encountered was just one of many wondrous experiences  I would have at Brother Glen's home.

   As for Barbara, she returned to see her physician, explaining to him she would not be back to his office anymore because, as she put it, "God healed me at a prayer meeting." Surprisingly, the doctor rejoiced at her testimony remarking, "I believe in miracles!"

   Barbara remained permanently pain free, eating anything she wanted with no ill side effects whatsoever.

   And, 18 months later she did indeed bear a healthy, bouncing baby boy. 
Barbara called him...  her "miracle baby."

( Join me back here next Wednesday for more amazing  Acts of An Awesome God! )

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Barbara's Double Miracle (part 2)

   Miracle Cure

   We finally arrived at Brother Glen’s home on Thursday and he warmly received us as if he had known everyone of us always.   Unbeknownst to us, Brother Glen held a prayer meeting at his home every Friday night and we had arrived just in time to attend the service (God’s timing is always perfect).

  The next night a small crowd of people showed up and gathered in Brother Glen's living room. The service finally got started and the guest ministers, a husband-wife evangelistic team, rose to their feet to speak.

   According to Brother Glen, the ministers had called him at an earlier date and said they had heard about his Friday night fellowship. They went on to say they felt like God wanted them to come and minister. As Brother Glen explained to me later, his response to them was, "Well, who am I to argue with God. Come on!"

   When it was the woman evangelist's turn to speak, she began to minister in a way I had never seen before. She would go around the room and, after pointing out a certain individual, mention personal things about them which she had no natural way of knowing. She would then deliver to that person what she said was a message from God.

   The whole time she was speaking the air was charged with electricity. Though I had never felt this sensation before in the Baptist churches I had attended in the past, I experienced no discomfort whatsoever. A sense of awe prevailed in the room and I was at total peace with what was happening.

   Barbara had been sitting patiently throughout the service but her pain level was now becoming unbearable. She leaned over to Preston and whispered quietly, "I can't take this anymore. I have to go lie down."

   About the time the words came out of Barbara's mouth, and as she was preparing to get up and leave the room, the woman who was ministering spoke up.

   "There is someone here who has colitis," the woman began. "You have been to two different doctors over the last three months and the last doctor you went to see said the only one who can help you now is God... and he is right. Just receive your healing!"

   By this time the woman minister had my full attention. After all, she had just repeated word for word the medical report Barbara shared with me during our private conversation in the camper on the way to Texas the day before.

   (Though she didn't publicly acknowledge it at the time, Barbara told me later that when the woman minister told her to receive her healing, she suddenly felt a warmth in her abdomen and all the pain left.)

   It appeared that God had already performed an incredible miracle in Barbara's body, but her Heavenly Father had one more very special gift in store for her. 

   (Join me Saturday for the heart-warming conclusion: Barbara's Miracle Child!)


Monday, November 14, 2016

Coming Wednesday - Barbara's Miracle (cont.)

Dear Friends,

This Wednesday (Nov. 16th) my blog will cover Part II of  "Barbara's Double Miracle,"an amazing true story of an ordinary woman who experienced an extraordinary touch from God. This testimony will strengthen your faith and help you believe anything is possible with God!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Honoring Veterans Everywhere

God Bless The Veterans

   On this very special day I just want to send out a personal note of appreciation for all the Veterans in countries and continents across the globe who were willing to sacrifice their time, energy, health and sometimes their very life to ensure liberty, justice and protection for others.
   And let us not forget this day the One who made the Supreme Sacrifice... the One who conquered the most dangerous enemy... the One who provided the greatest liberty of all...

          Jesus Christ,  Lamb of God,   Lion of Judah,  Savior of the World !

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Barbara's Double Miracle (part 1)

Back this week with more Acts of an Awesome God. Tonight I'm going to publish the first part of an incredible true account of a woman who received, not one, but two miracles of healing in a single night. Allow this story to increase your faith in both the love and the power of an amazing God.

                                     Barbara's Double Miracle

   I had become acquainted with Preston, a young man from College Station, Texas. On occasion he made mention of his father, Glen, but I knew nothing more about him except that he was a minister. I didn’t know his denominational affiliation nor did I have any knowledge of his doctrinal beliefs.
   I did know, however, that the day after I asked Christ to come into my life at a little Baptist church, I had this overwhelming desire to go see Glen. I was convinced it was an urgency God put in my heart and told Preston so.
   Realizing I had never met his father and that I knew nothing about him personally, Preston responded quite curiously, “But you don’t even know him!”
    "I know" I acknowledged. "But I know God is dealing with me to go see your dad, so I have to." "All right," Preston agreed. "I guess we need to figure out a way to get down there."
   Several people heard we were going to Texas and asked if they could come along. To accommodate the group, Julie, a close friend, borrowed her father’s camper pickup truck so we would have plenty of room for everyone who was going on the trip.
   Preston notified his dad we would soon be heading his direction and by the middle of the week we were on our way down to Texas. We had a lot of time to visit during the several hours on the road and one conversation in particular would prove to play an important role in the events we were about to experience.   
   Preston’s wife, Barbara, had been complaining of extreme discomfort throughout the course of the trip which almost brought her to the point of tears at times.
   She had explained to me that she had a serious physical condition known as ulcerated colitis. Physicians had delivered the tragic news that the condition was incurable and Barbara would have to be on medication the rest of her life.
   In addition, her diet would be very limited and by the time she was 30 she would be wearing a colostomy bag. She had been to two different doctors over the previous three months and none of them had been able to provide her with any relief or hope.    
   In fact, she had just returned from another doctor’s visit earlier that week and the physician told her there was nothing he could do for her. He said the only one that could help her now was God! My heart went out to her but I knew there was nothing I could do to change her situation so I tried to simply lend a sympathetic ear. 

     (Join me back here next Wednesday to read about Barbara's FIRST miracle of healing!)